I recently spoke at a MADD Victim Impact Panel, (VIP). The MADD VIP is mandatory for anyone convicted of a DUI, in the state of Arizona. They hold these meetings, once a month, in several valley cities. This particular one had roughly 300 people attending.
I was the third of three speakers, (lucky me). The young lady that went before me, told a story I think everyone in Arizona should hear. She had one or two drinks, at a bar, and then got in an accident and injured two people, on the way home. Most people, (including me), think that as long as she had less than a .08% BAC she wouldn’t be in big trouble. Well, it turns out that is not what the law says. This young lady got 5 years, in prison, for driving a motor vehicle and being “impaired to the slightest degree.” She now shares her story at these Victim Impact Panels.
With holiday party season upon us, her story serves as a caution to all of us.
Please enjoy the holiday parties, but if you have had even one drink, please don’t drink and drive.
Please enjoy the holiday parties, but if you have had even one drink, please don’t drink and drive.
Below is a link to a MADD article just recently released.
Something very good will come from this…