“Impaired to the Slightest Degree.”

I recently spoke at a MADD Victim Impact Panel, (VIP).  The MADD VIP is mandatory for anyone convicted of a DUI, in the state of Arizona.  They hold these meetings, once a month, in several valley cities.  This particular one had roughly 300 people attending.  

I was the third of three speakers, (lucky me).  The young lady that went before me, told a story I think everyone in Arizona should hear.  She had one or two drinks, at a bar, and then got in an accident and injured two people, on the way home.  Most people, (including me), think that as long as she had less than a .08% BAC she wouldn’t be in big trouble.  Well, it turns out that is not what the law says.   This young lady got 5 years, in prison, for driving a motor vehicle and being “impaired to the slightest degree.”  She now shares her story at these Victim Impact Panels.

With holiday party season upon us, her story serves as a caution to all of us.  
Please enjoy the holiday parties, but if you have had even one drink, please don’t drink and drive.

Below is a link to a MADD article just recently released.

Something very good will come from this…

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