Barry Adkins has shared with tens of thousands of people the dangers of binge drinking, and his experience of losing his 18 year old son, Kevin, to alcohol poisoning. The day that was supposed to mark the beginning of Kevin’s adult life, turned out to be his last, and Barry’s message is both a powerful inspiration and a warning about the consequences of even one night of binge drinking..
Barry’s compelling presentation has saved countless lives and is fulfilling his dream to “make something very good” come from his son’s death. In 2007, Barry set out on an epic 1400 mile journey, and walked from Arizona to Montana with his son’s ashes in his backpack.
Barry reached tens of thousands through media coverage of the walk, and presentations at schools, churches and treatment facilities along the way. To date, Barry has shared his story with over 75,000 students and parents across the country.
Barry’s presentation describes in powerful detail the night his son died, the quiet Sunday morning he got that “knock on the door”, and how he came up with the idea to walk from Arizona to Montana. His presentation and powerful takeaways will leave your students enthralled and asking for more, and appreciating every breath they take.
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To see more photos of Kevin's Last Walk and of Barry sharing his powerful inspiring message across the country,
Check out the Photo Gallery