Adversity, forgiveness and something very good… On my birthday, this year, I got a phone call from Michelle Shelton, a neighbor, that brought back memories of something that happened 2612 days ago. Her son, Phillip, had been killed, in a one car accident, on Interstate 8.
Three days on the Yellowstone River, two days on the back side of Whistler Mountain and a float down the North Fork of the Flathead River, with family. Not a half bad way to decompress! Last winter a buddy of mine, from school, that lives in Columbus, Montana, stopped by to visit me.
Made it to the highest point in Arizona! Last week a buddy and I set out, to hike up, to the top of Mount Humphreys. And what a hike it was! The trail starts out at the base of the Snow Bowl chair lift and wanders nicely through a meadow at 9,300 feet. The easy stuff ends about a ha
Hey there! Just wanted to share an article in Arizona Foothills Magazine, I think it’s online only, but if you see it in the store, be sure to buy it! :o) Want to give a shout out and wis
Hey all, I did an interview this week on the Bruce Sallan radio show. Pretty cool, he was okay with talking about God! Here is the link to his show, with my interview, in part 4 and 5. Or you can lis
Check out my interview on the Mom of Many Hats radio. Probably best to download the file if you want to skip through the commercials!
An old guy once told me, on the golf course, “Swing hard in case you hit it, Son.” Great advice, on the golf course and in life. Thinking about doing something you always wanted to do, but didn’t have the time or maybe the courage to do it? I know, I know, it’s complicated. It’s p
I travelled to Wilmington, Massachusetts two weeks ago, to speak at the Wilmington High School parent night. Spoke to about 1,000 students and parents. I think the message was well received! Thanks to the Wilmington faculty and Cara Filler for allowing me this opportunity. I really
by Barry Adkins on February 29, 2012 Hard to believe a hillbilly like me can have more thoughts, but here goes… I am a devout Christian, but enjoy listening to others talk about their faith, customs and traditions. I simply don’t understand why wars are fought and people are killed, a